{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Data.Bytes.Internal
Bytes (..),
SomeSize (..),
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4, 18, 0)
import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData (rnf), deepseq)
import Data.Bounds
( LowerBounded,
import Data.Bytes.Class.Conversion (Conversion (convert_))
import Data.Bytes.Class.Conversion qualified as Conv
import Data.Bytes.Class.Normalize (Normalize (Norm, normalize))
import Data.Bytes.Class.Parser (Parser (parser))
import Data.Bytes.Class.Parser qualified as Parser
import Data.Bytes.Class.RawNumeric (RawNumeric (Raw, toRaw))
import Data.Bytes.Size
( NextSize,
SSize (SB, SE, SG, SK, SM, SP, ST, SY, SZ),
Size (B, E, G, K, M, P, T, Y, Z),
Sized (hideSize),
import Data.Bytes.Size qualified as Size
import Data.Hashable as X (Hashable (hashWithSalt))
import Data.Kind (Type)
import Data.Singletons (SingI)
import Data.Singletons qualified as Sing
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4, 16, 0)
import GHC.Records (HasField (getField))
import Numeric.Algebra
( AGroup ((.-.)),
AMonoid (zero),
ASemigroup ((.+.)),
MGroup ((.%.)),
MSemiSpace ((.*)),
MSemigroup ((.*.)),
MSpace ((.%)),
MetricSpace (diffR),
Normed (norm, sgn),
import Numeric.Convert.Integer (FromInteger (fromZ), ToInteger (toZ))
import Numeric.Convert.Rational (FromRational (fromQ), ToRational (toQ))
import Numeric.Convert.Real (FromReal (fromR), ToReal (toR))
import Optics.Core (A_Getter, An_Iso, Iso', LabelOptic (labelOptic), iso, to)
import Text.Megaparsec qualified as MP
import Text.Megaparsec.Char qualified as MPC
type Bytes :: Size -> Type -> Type
newtype Bytes (s :: Size) (n :: Type) = MkBytes n
deriving stock
Bytes s n
Bytes s n -> Bytes s n -> Bounded (Bytes s n)
forall a. a -> a -> Bounded a
forall (s :: Size) n. Bounded n => Bytes s n
$cminBound :: forall (s :: Size) n. Bounded n => Bytes s n
minBound :: Bytes s n
$cmaxBound :: forall (s :: Size) n. Bounded n => Bytes s n
maxBound :: Bytes s n
Bytes s n -> Bytes s n -> Bool
(Bytes s n -> Bytes s n -> Bool)
-> (Bytes s n -> Bytes s n -> Bool) -> Eq (Bytes s n)
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
forall (s :: Size) n. Eq n => Bytes s n -> Bytes s n -> Bool
$c== :: forall (s :: Size) n. Eq n => Bytes s n -> Bytes s n -> Bool
== :: Bytes s n -> Bytes s n -> Bool
$c/= :: forall (s :: Size) n. Eq n => Bytes s n -> Bytes s n -> Bool
/= :: Bytes s n -> Bytes s n -> Bool
(forall a b. (a -> b) -> Bytes s a -> Bytes s b)
-> (forall a b. a -> Bytes s b -> Bytes s a) -> Functor (Bytes s)
forall a b. a -> Bytes s b -> Bytes s a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Bytes s a -> Bytes s b
forall (s :: Size) a b. a -> Bytes s b -> Bytes s a
forall (s :: Size) a b. (a -> b) -> Bytes s a -> Bytes s b
forall (f :: * -> *).
(forall a b. (a -> b) -> f a -> f b)
-> (forall a b. a -> f b -> f a) -> Functor f
$cfmap :: forall (s :: Size) a b. (a -> b) -> Bytes s a -> Bytes s b
fmap :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> Bytes s a -> Bytes s b
$c<$ :: forall (s :: Size) a b. a -> Bytes s b -> Bytes s a
<$ :: forall a b. a -> Bytes s b -> Bytes s a
(forall x. Bytes s n -> Rep (Bytes s n) x)
-> (forall x. Rep (Bytes s n) x -> Bytes s n)
-> Generic (Bytes s n)
forall x. Rep (Bytes s n) x -> Bytes s n
forall x. Bytes s n -> Rep (Bytes s n) x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
forall (s :: Size) n x. Rep (Bytes s n) x -> Bytes s n
forall (s :: Size) n x. Bytes s n -> Rep (Bytes s n) x
$cfrom :: forall (s :: Size) n x. Bytes s n -> Rep (Bytes s n) x
from :: forall x. Bytes s n -> Rep (Bytes s n) x
$cto :: forall (s :: Size) n x. Rep (Bytes s n) x -> Bytes s n
to :: forall x. Rep (Bytes s n) x -> Bytes s n
Eq (Bytes s n)
Eq (Bytes s n) =>
(Bytes s n -> Bytes s n -> Ordering)
-> (Bytes s n -> Bytes s n -> Bool)
-> (Bytes s n -> Bytes s n -> Bool)
-> (Bytes s n -> Bytes s n -> Bool)
-> (Bytes s n -> Bytes s n -> Bool)
-> (Bytes s n -> Bytes s n -> Bytes s n)
-> (Bytes s n -> Bytes s n -> Bytes s n)
-> Ord (Bytes s n)
Bytes s n -> Bytes s n -> Bool
Bytes s n -> Bytes s n -> Ordering
Bytes s n -> Bytes s n -> Bytes s n
forall a.
Eq a =>
(a -> a -> Ordering)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> Ord a
forall (s :: Size) n. Ord n => Eq (Bytes s n)
forall (s :: Size) n. Ord n => Bytes s n -> Bytes s n -> Bool
forall (s :: Size) n. Ord n => Bytes s n -> Bytes s n -> Ordering
forall (s :: Size) n. Ord n => Bytes s n -> Bytes s n -> Bytes s n
$ccompare :: forall (s :: Size) n. Ord n => Bytes s n -> Bytes s n -> Ordering
compare :: Bytes s n -> Bytes s n -> Ordering
$c< :: forall (s :: Size) n. Ord n => Bytes s n -> Bytes s n -> Bool
< :: Bytes s n -> Bytes s n -> Bool
$c<= :: forall (s :: Size) n. Ord n => Bytes s n -> Bytes s n -> Bool
<= :: Bytes s n -> Bytes s n -> Bool
$c> :: forall (s :: Size) n. Ord n => Bytes s n -> Bytes s n -> Bool
> :: Bytes s n -> Bytes s n -> Bool
$c>= :: forall (s :: Size) n. Ord n => Bytes s n -> Bytes s n -> Bool
>= :: Bytes s n -> Bytes s n -> Bool
$cmax :: forall (s :: Size) n. Ord n => Bytes s n -> Bytes s n -> Bytes s n
max :: Bytes s n -> Bytes s n -> Bytes s n
$cmin :: forall (s :: Size) n. Ord n => Bytes s n -> Bytes s n -> Bytes s n
min :: Bytes s n -> Bytes s n -> Bytes s n
Int -> Bytes s n -> ShowS
[Bytes s n] -> ShowS
Bytes s n -> String
(Int -> Bytes s n -> ShowS)
-> (Bytes s n -> String)
-> ([Bytes s n] -> ShowS)
-> Show (Bytes s n)
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
forall (s :: Size) n. Show n => Int -> Bytes s n -> ShowS
forall (s :: Size) n. Show n => [Bytes s n] -> ShowS
forall (s :: Size) n. Show n => Bytes s n -> String
$cshowsPrec :: forall (s :: Size) n. Show n => Int -> Bytes s n -> ShowS
showsPrec :: Int -> Bytes s n -> ShowS
$cshow :: forall (s :: Size) n. Show n => Bytes s n -> String
show :: Bytes s n -> String
$cshowList :: forall (s :: Size) n. Show n => [Bytes s n] -> ShowS
showList :: [Bytes s n] -> ShowS
deriving anyclass
Bytes s n -> ()
(Bytes s n -> ()) -> NFData (Bytes s n)
forall a. (a -> ()) -> NFData a
forall (s :: Size) n. NFData n => Bytes s n -> ()
$crnf :: forall (s :: Size) n. NFData n => Bytes s n -> ()
rnf :: Bytes s n -> ()
Eq (Bytes s n)
Eq (Bytes s n) =>
(Int -> Bytes s n -> Int)
-> (Bytes s n -> Int) -> Hashable (Bytes s n)
Int -> Bytes s n -> Int
Bytes s n -> Int
forall a. Eq a => (Int -> a -> Int) -> (a -> Int) -> Hashable a
forall (s :: Size) n. Hashable n => Eq (Bytes s n)
forall (s :: Size) n. Hashable n => Int -> Bytes s n -> Int
forall (s :: Size) n. Hashable n => Bytes s n -> Int
$chashWithSalt :: forall (s :: Size) n. Hashable n => Int -> Bytes s n -> Int
hashWithSalt :: Int -> Bytes s n -> Int
$chash :: forall (s :: Size) n. Hashable n => Bytes s n -> Int
hash :: Bytes s n -> Int
Bytes s n
Bytes s n -> LowerBounded (Bytes s n)
forall a. a -> LowerBounded a
forall (s :: Size) n. LowerBounded n => Bytes s n
$clowerBound :: forall (s :: Size) n. LowerBounded n => Bytes s n
lowerBound :: Bytes s n
LowerBoundless (Bytes s n)
forall a. LowerBoundless a
Maybe (Bytes s n)
Maybe (Bytes s n) -> MaybeLowerBounded (Bytes s n)
forall a. Maybe a -> MaybeLowerBounded a
forall (s :: Size) n. MaybeLowerBounded n => Maybe (Bytes s n)
$cmaybeLowerBound :: forall (s :: Size) n. MaybeLowerBounded n => Maybe (Bytes s n)
maybeLowerBound :: Maybe (Bytes s n)
Maybe (Bytes s n)
Maybe (Bytes s n) -> MaybeUpperBounded (Bytes s n)
forall a. Maybe a -> MaybeUpperBounded a
forall (s :: Size) n. MaybeUpperBounded n => Maybe (Bytes s n)
$cmaybeUpperBound :: forall (s :: Size) n. MaybeUpperBounded n => Maybe (Bytes s n)
maybeUpperBound :: Maybe (Bytes s n)
Bytes s n
Bytes s n -> UpperBounded (Bytes s n)
forall a. a -> UpperBounded a
forall (s :: Size) n. UpperBounded n => Bytes s n
$cupperBound :: forall (s :: Size) n. UpperBounded n => Bytes s n
upperBound :: Bytes s n
UpperBoundless (Bytes s n)
forall a. UpperBoundless a
via n
resizeBytes :: Bytes s n -> Bytes t n
resizeBytes :: forall (s :: Size) n (t :: Size). Bytes s n -> Bytes t n
resizeBytes (MkBytes n
x) = n -> Bytes t n
forall (s :: Size) n. n -> Bytes s n
MkBytes n
{-# INLINE resizeBytes #-}
bytesToSSize :: (SingI s) => Bytes s n -> SSize s
bytesToSSize :: forall (s :: Size) n. SingI s => Bytes s n -> SSize s
bytesToSSize Bytes s n
_ = Sing s
SSize s
forall {k} (a :: k). SingI a => Sing a
{-# INLINE bytesToSSize #-}
_MkBytes :: forall s n. Iso' (Bytes s n) n
_MkBytes :: forall (s :: Size) n. Iso' (Bytes s n) n
_MkBytes = (Bytes s n -> n)
-> (n -> Bytes s n) -> Iso (Bytes s n) (Bytes s n) n n
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (b -> t) -> Iso s t a b
iso Bytes s n -> n
Bytes s n -> Raw (Bytes s n)
forall a. RawNumeric a => a -> Raw a
toRaw n -> Bytes s n
forall (s :: Size) n. n -> Bytes s n
{-# INLINE _MkBytes #-}
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4, 16, 0)
instance HasField "unBytes" (Bytes s n) n where
getField :: Bytes s n -> n
getField (MkBytes n
x) = n
( k ~ An_Iso,
a ~ n,
b ~ n
) =>
LabelOptic "unBytes" k (Bytes s n) (Bytes s n) a b
labelOptic :: Optic k NoIx (Bytes s n) (Bytes s n) a b
labelOptic = (Bytes s n -> a)
-> (b -> Bytes s n) -> Iso (Bytes s n) (Bytes s n) a b
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (b -> t) -> Iso s t a b
iso (\(MkBytes n
x) -> a
x) b -> Bytes s n
b -> Bytes s b
forall (s :: Size) n. n -> Bytes s n
{-# INLINE labelOptic #-}
instance Applicative (Bytes s) where
pure :: forall a. a -> Bytes s a
pure = a -> Bytes s a
forall (s :: Size) n. n -> Bytes s n
{-# INLINE pure #-}
MkBytes a -> b
f <*> :: forall a b. Bytes s (a -> b) -> Bytes s a -> Bytes s b
<*> MkBytes a
x = b -> Bytes s b
forall (s :: Size) n. n -> Bytes s n
MkBytes (b -> Bytes s b) -> b -> Bytes s b
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ a -> b
f a
{-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
instance Monad (Bytes s) where
MkBytes a
x >>= :: forall a b. Bytes s a -> (a -> Bytes s b) -> Bytes s b
>>= a -> Bytes s b
f = a -> Bytes s b
f a
{-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
instance Foldable (Bytes s) where
foldr :: forall a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Bytes s a -> b
foldr a -> b -> b
f b
e (MkBytes a
x) = a -> b -> b
f a
x b
{-# INLINE foldr #-}
instance Traversable (Bytes s) where
traverse :: forall (f :: * -> *) a b.
Applicative f =>
(a -> f b) -> Bytes s a -> f (Bytes s b)
traverse a -> f b
f (MkBytes a
x) = b -> Bytes s b
forall (s :: Size) n. n -> Bytes s n
MkBytes (b -> Bytes s b) -> f b -> f (Bytes s b)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> a -> f b
f a
{-# INLINE traverse #-}
sequenceA :: forall (f :: * -> *) a.
Applicative f =>
Bytes s (f a) -> f (Bytes s a)
sequenceA (MkBytes f a
x) = a -> Bytes s a
forall (s :: Size) n. n -> Bytes s n
MkBytes (a -> Bytes s a) -> f a -> f (Bytes s a)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> f a
{-# INLINE sequenceA #-}
instance (FromInteger n) => FromInteger (Bytes s n) where
fromZ :: HasCallStack => Integer -> Bytes s n
fromZ = n -> Bytes s n
forall (s :: Size) n. n -> Bytes s n
MkBytes (n -> Bytes s n) -> (Integer -> n) -> Integer -> Bytes s n
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Integer -> n
forall a. (FromInteger a, HasCallStack) => Integer -> a
{-# INLINE fromZ #-}
instance (ToInteger n) => ToInteger (Bytes s n) where
toZ :: HasCallStack => Bytes s n -> Integer
toZ (MkBytes n
x) = n -> Integer
forall a. (ToInteger a, HasCallStack) => a -> Integer
toZ n
{-# INLINE toZ #-}
instance (FromRational n) => FromRational (Bytes s n) where
fromQ :: HasCallStack => Rational -> Bytes s n
fromQ = n -> Bytes s n
forall (s :: Size) n. n -> Bytes s n
MkBytes (n -> Bytes s n) -> (Rational -> n) -> Rational -> Bytes s n
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Rational -> n
forall a. (FromRational a, HasCallStack) => Rational -> a
{-# INLINE fromQ #-}
instance (ToRational n) => ToRational (Bytes s n) where
toQ :: HasCallStack => Bytes s n -> Rational
toQ (MkBytes n
x) = n -> Rational
forall a. (ToRational a, HasCallStack) => a -> Rational
toQ n
{-# INLINE toQ #-}
instance (FromReal n) => FromReal (Bytes s n) where
fromR :: HasCallStack => Double -> Bytes s n
fromR = n -> Bytes s n
forall (s :: Size) n. n -> Bytes s n
MkBytes (n -> Bytes s n) -> (Double -> n) -> Double -> Bytes s n
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Double -> n
forall a. (FromReal a, HasCallStack) => Double -> a
{-# INLINE fromR #-}
instance (ToReal n) => ToReal (Bytes s n) where
toR :: HasCallStack => Bytes s n -> Double
toR (MkBytes n
x) = n -> Double
forall a. (ToReal a, HasCallStack) => a -> Double
toR n
{-# INLINE toR #-}
instance (ASemigroup n) => ASemigroup (Bytes s n) where
.+. :: Bytes s n -> Bytes s n -> Bytes s n
(.+.) = (n -> n -> n) -> Bytes s n -> Bytes s n -> Bytes s n
forall a b c. (a -> b -> c) -> Bytes s a -> Bytes s b -> Bytes s c
forall (f :: * -> *) a b c.
Applicative f =>
(a -> b -> c) -> f a -> f b -> f c
liftA2 n -> n -> n
forall s. ASemigroup s => s -> s -> s
{-# INLINE (.+.) #-}
instance (AMonoid n) => AMonoid (Bytes s n) where
zero :: Bytes s n
zero = n -> Bytes s n
forall (s :: Size) n. n -> Bytes s n
MkBytes n
forall m. AMonoid m => m
{-# INLINE zero #-}
instance (AGroup n) => AGroup (Bytes s n) where
.-. :: Bytes s n -> Bytes s n -> Bytes s n
(.-.) = (n -> n -> n) -> Bytes s n -> Bytes s n -> Bytes s n
forall a b c. (a -> b -> c) -> Bytes s a -> Bytes s b -> Bytes s c
forall (f :: * -> *) a b c.
Applicative f =>
(a -> b -> c) -> f a -> f b -> f c
liftA2 n -> n -> n
forall g. AGroup g => g -> g -> g
{-# INLINE (.-.) #-}
instance (MSemigroup n) => MSemiSpace (Bytes s n) n where
MkBytes n
x .* :: Bytes s n -> n -> Bytes s n
.* n
k = n -> Bytes s n
forall (s :: Size) n. n -> Bytes s n
MkBytes (n -> Bytes s n) -> n -> Bytes s n
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ n
x n -> n -> n
forall s. MSemigroup s => s -> s -> s
.*. n
{-# INLINE (.*) #-}
instance (MGroup n) => MSpace (Bytes s n) n where
MkBytes n
x .% :: Bytes s n -> n -> Bytes s n
.% n
k = n -> Bytes s n
forall (s :: Size) n. n -> Bytes s n
MkBytes (n -> Bytes s n) -> n -> Bytes s n
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ n
x n -> n -> n
forall g. MGroup g => g -> g -> g
.%. n
{-# INLINEABLE (.%) #-}
instance (Normed n) => Normed (Bytes s n) where
norm :: Bytes s n -> Bytes s n
norm (MkBytes n
x) = n -> Bytes s n
forall (s :: Size) n. n -> Bytes s n
MkBytes (n -> n
forall s. Normed s => s -> s
norm n
{-# INLINE norm #-}
sgn :: Bytes s n -> Bytes s n
sgn (MkBytes n
x) = n -> Bytes s n
forall (s :: Size) n. n -> Bytes s n
MkBytes (n -> n
forall s. Normed s => s -> s
sgn n
{-# INLINE sgn #-}
instance (Semiring n) => Semimodule (Bytes s n) n
instance (Ring n) => Module (Bytes s n) n
instance (Semifield n) => SemivectorSpace (Bytes s n) n
instance (Field n) => VectorSpace (Bytes s n) n
instance (MetricSpace n) => MetricSpace (Bytes s n) where
diffR :: Bytes s n -> Bytes s n -> Double
diffR (MkBytes n
x) (MkBytes n
y) = n
x n -> n -> Double
forall s. MetricSpace s => s -> s -> Double
`diffR` n
instance (FromInteger n, MGroup n, SingI s) => Conversion (Bytes s n) where
type Converted t (Bytes s n) = Bytes t n
convert_ :: forall t. (SingI t) => Bytes s n -> Bytes t n
convert_ :: forall (t :: Size). SingI t => Bytes s n -> Bytes t n
convert_ (MkBytes n
x) = n -> Bytes t n
forall (s :: Size) n. n -> Bytes s n
MkBytes (n -> Bytes t n) -> n -> Bytes t n
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (s :: Size) n.
(FromInteger n, MGroup n, SingI s) =>
Size -> n -> n
Conv.convertWitness @s (Sing t -> Demote Size
forall k (a :: k). SingKind k => Sing a -> Demote k
forall (a :: Size). Sing a -> Demote Size
Sing.fromSing (Sing t -> Demote Size) -> Sing t -> Demote Size
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall {k} (a :: k). SingI a => Sing a
forall (a :: Size). SingI a => Sing a
Sing.sing @t) n
forall n s.
(FromInteger n, MGroup n, Normed n, Ord n, SingI s) =>
Normalize (Bytes s n)
type Norm (Bytes s n) = SomeSize n
normalize :: Bytes s n -> Norm (Bytes s n)
normalize bytes :: Bytes s n
bytes@(MkBytes n
x) =
case SSize s
sz of
SSize s
| Bool
tooLarge -> Bytes 'K n -> Norm (Bytes 'K n)
forall a. Normalize a => a -> Norm a
normalize (Bytes 'K n -> Norm (Bytes 'K n))
-> Bytes 'K n -> Norm (Bytes 'K n)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Bytes s n -> Bytes (NextSize s) n
forall (s :: Size) n.
(FromInteger n, MGroup n) =>
Bytes s n -> Bytes (NextSize s) n
incSize Bytes s n
| Bool
otherwise -> SSize s -> Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
forall (s :: Size) n. SSize s -> Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
MkSomeSize SSize s
sz Bytes s n
SSize s
| Bool
tooSmall -> Bytes 'Z n -> Norm (Bytes 'Z n)
forall a. Normalize a => a -> Norm a
normalize (Bytes 'Z n -> Norm (Bytes 'Z n))
-> Bytes 'Z n -> Norm (Bytes 'Z n)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Bytes s n -> Bytes (PrevSize s) n
forall (s :: Size) n.
(FromInteger n, MSemigroup n) =>
Bytes s n -> Bytes (PrevSize s) n
decSize Bytes s n
| Bool
otherwise -> SSize s -> Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
forall (s :: Size) n. SSize s -> Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
MkSomeSize SSize s
sz Bytes s n
SSize s
| Bool
tooSmall -> Bytes 'B n -> Norm (Bytes 'B n)
forall a. Normalize a => a -> Norm a
normalize (Bytes 'B n -> Norm (Bytes 'B n))
-> Bytes 'B n -> Norm (Bytes 'B n)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Bytes s n -> Bytes (PrevSize s) n
forall (s :: Size) n.
(FromInteger n, MSemigroup n) =>
Bytes s n -> Bytes (PrevSize s) n
decSize Bytes s n
| Bool
tooLarge -> Bytes 'M n -> Norm (Bytes 'M n)
forall a. Normalize a => a -> Norm a
normalize (Bytes 'M n -> Norm (Bytes 'M n))
-> Bytes 'M n -> Norm (Bytes 'M n)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Bytes s n -> Bytes (NextSize s) n
forall (s :: Size) n.
(FromInteger n, MGroup n) =>
Bytes s n -> Bytes (NextSize s) n
incSize Bytes s n
| Bool
otherwise -> SSize s -> Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
forall (s :: Size) n. SSize s -> Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
MkSomeSize SSize s
sz Bytes s n
SSize s
| Bool
tooSmall -> Bytes 'K n -> Norm (Bytes 'K n)
forall a. Normalize a => a -> Norm a
normalize (Bytes 'K n -> Norm (Bytes 'K n))
-> Bytes 'K n -> Norm (Bytes 'K n)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Bytes s n -> Bytes (PrevSize s) n
forall (s :: Size) n.
(FromInteger n, MSemigroup n) =>
Bytes s n -> Bytes (PrevSize s) n
decSize Bytes s n
| Bool
tooLarge -> Bytes 'G n -> Norm (Bytes 'G n)
forall a. Normalize a => a -> Norm a
normalize (Bytes 'G n -> Norm (Bytes 'G n))
-> Bytes 'G n -> Norm (Bytes 'G n)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Bytes s n -> Bytes (NextSize s) n
forall (s :: Size) n.
(FromInteger n, MGroup n) =>
Bytes s n -> Bytes (NextSize s) n
incSize Bytes s n
| Bool
otherwise -> SSize s -> Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
forall (s :: Size) n. SSize s -> Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
MkSomeSize SSize s
sz Bytes s n
SSize s
| Bool
tooSmall -> Bytes 'M n -> Norm (Bytes 'M n)
forall a. Normalize a => a -> Norm a
normalize (Bytes 'M n -> Norm (Bytes 'M n))
-> Bytes 'M n -> Norm (Bytes 'M n)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Bytes s n -> Bytes (PrevSize s) n
forall (s :: Size) n.
(FromInteger n, MSemigroup n) =>
Bytes s n -> Bytes (PrevSize s) n
decSize Bytes s n
| Bool
tooLarge -> Bytes 'T n -> Norm (Bytes 'T n)
forall a. Normalize a => a -> Norm a
normalize (Bytes 'T n -> Norm (Bytes 'T n))
-> Bytes 'T n -> Norm (Bytes 'T n)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Bytes s n -> Bytes (NextSize s) n
forall (s :: Size) n.
(FromInteger n, MGroup n) =>
Bytes s n -> Bytes (NextSize s) n
incSize Bytes s n
| Bool
otherwise -> SSize s -> Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
forall (s :: Size) n. SSize s -> Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
MkSomeSize SSize s
sz Bytes s n
SSize s
| Bool
tooSmall -> Bytes 'G n -> Norm (Bytes 'G n)
forall a. Normalize a => a -> Norm a
normalize (Bytes 'G n -> Norm (Bytes 'G n))
-> Bytes 'G n -> Norm (Bytes 'G n)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Bytes s n -> Bytes (PrevSize s) n
forall (s :: Size) n.
(FromInteger n, MSemigroup n) =>
Bytes s n -> Bytes (PrevSize s) n
decSize Bytes s n
| Bool
tooLarge -> Bytes 'P n -> Norm (Bytes 'P n)
forall a. Normalize a => a -> Norm a
normalize (Bytes 'P n -> Norm (Bytes 'P n))
-> Bytes 'P n -> Norm (Bytes 'P n)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Bytes s n -> Bytes (NextSize s) n
forall (s :: Size) n.
(FromInteger n, MGroup n) =>
Bytes s n -> Bytes (NextSize s) n
incSize Bytes s n
| Bool
otherwise -> SSize s -> Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
forall (s :: Size) n. SSize s -> Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
MkSomeSize SSize s
sz Bytes s n
SSize s
| Bool
tooSmall -> Bytes 'T n -> Norm (Bytes 'T n)
forall a. Normalize a => a -> Norm a
normalize (Bytes 'T n -> Norm (Bytes 'T n))
-> Bytes 'T n -> Norm (Bytes 'T n)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Bytes s n -> Bytes (PrevSize s) n
forall (s :: Size) n.
(FromInteger n, MSemigroup n) =>
Bytes s n -> Bytes (PrevSize s) n
decSize Bytes s n
| Bool
tooLarge -> Bytes 'E n -> Norm (Bytes 'E n)
forall a. Normalize a => a -> Norm a
normalize (Bytes 'E n -> Norm (Bytes 'E n))
-> Bytes 'E n -> Norm (Bytes 'E n)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Bytes s n -> Bytes (NextSize s) n
forall (s :: Size) n.
(FromInteger n, MGroup n) =>
Bytes s n -> Bytes (NextSize s) n
incSize Bytes s n
| Bool
otherwise -> SSize s -> Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
forall (s :: Size) n. SSize s -> Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
MkSomeSize SSize s
sz Bytes s n
SSize s
| Bool
tooSmall -> Bytes 'P n -> Norm (Bytes 'P n)
forall a. Normalize a => a -> Norm a
normalize (Bytes 'P n -> Norm (Bytes 'P n))
-> Bytes 'P n -> Norm (Bytes 'P n)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Bytes s n -> Bytes (PrevSize s) n
forall (s :: Size) n.
(FromInteger n, MSemigroup n) =>
Bytes s n -> Bytes (PrevSize s) n
decSize Bytes s n
| Bool
tooLarge -> Bytes 'Z n -> Norm (Bytes 'Z n)
forall a. Normalize a => a -> Norm a
normalize (Bytes 'Z n -> Norm (Bytes 'Z n))
-> Bytes 'Z n -> Norm (Bytes 'Z n)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Bytes s n -> Bytes (NextSize s) n
forall (s :: Size) n.
(FromInteger n, MGroup n) =>
Bytes s n -> Bytes (NextSize s) n
incSize Bytes s n
| Bool
otherwise -> SSize s -> Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
forall (s :: Size) n. SSize s -> Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
MkSomeSize SSize s
sz Bytes s n
SSize s
| Bool
tooSmall -> Bytes 'E n -> Norm (Bytes 'E n)
forall a. Normalize a => a -> Norm a
normalize (Bytes 'E n -> Norm (Bytes 'E n))
-> Bytes 'E n -> Norm (Bytes 'E n)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Bytes s n -> Bytes (PrevSize s) n
forall (s :: Size) n.
(FromInteger n, MSemigroup n) =>
Bytes s n -> Bytes (PrevSize s) n
decSize Bytes s n
| Bool
tooLarge -> Bytes 'Y n -> Norm (Bytes 'Y n)
forall a. Normalize a => a -> Norm a
normalize (Bytes 'Y n -> Norm (Bytes 'Y n))
-> Bytes 'Y n -> Norm (Bytes 'Y n)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Bytes s n -> Bytes (NextSize s) n
forall (s :: Size) n.
(FromInteger n, MGroup n) =>
Bytes s n -> Bytes (NextSize s) n
incSize Bytes s n
| Bool
otherwise -> SSize s -> Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
forall (s :: Size) n. SSize s -> Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
MkSomeSize SSize s
sz Bytes s n
absBytes :: n
absBytes = n -> n
forall s. Normed s => s -> s
norm n
tooSmall :: Bool
tooSmall = n
absBytes n -> n -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< Integer -> n
forall a. (FromInteger a, HasCallStack) => Integer -> a
fromZ Integer
tooLarge :: Bool
tooLarge = n
absBytes n -> n -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
>= Integer -> n
forall a. (FromInteger a, HasCallStack) => Integer -> a
fromZ Integer
sz :: SSize s
sz = Bytes s n -> SSize s
forall (s :: Size) n. SingI s => Bytes s n -> SSize s
bytesToSSize Bytes s n
{-# INLINEABLE normalize #-}
instance (SingI s) => Sized (Bytes s n) where
type HideSize (Bytes s n) = SomeSize n
sizeOf :: Bytes s n -> Size
sizeOf = Sing s -> Demote Size
SSize s -> Size
forall k (a :: k). SingKind k => Sing a -> Demote k
forall (a :: Size). Sing a -> Demote Size
Sing.fromSing (SSize s -> Size) -> (Bytes s n -> SSize s) -> Bytes s n -> Size
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Bytes s n -> SSize s
forall (s :: Size) n. SingI s => Bytes s n -> SSize s
{-# INLINE sizeOf #-}
hideSize :: Bytes s n -> HideSize (Bytes s n)
hideSize b :: Bytes s n
b@(MkBytes n
_) = SSize s -> Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
forall (s :: Size) n. SSize s -> Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
MkSomeSize (forall {k} (a :: k). SingI a => Sing a
forall (a :: Size). SingI a => Sing a
Sing.sing @s) Bytes s n
{-# INLINE hideSize #-}
instance RawNumeric (Bytes s n) where
type Raw (Bytes s n) = n
toRaw :: Bytes s n -> Raw (Bytes s n)
toRaw (MkBytes n
x) = n
Raw (Bytes s n)
{-# INLINE toRaw #-}
instance (Read n) => Parser (Bytes s n) where
parser :: Parsec Void Text (Bytes s n)
parser = n -> Bytes s n
forall (s :: Size) n. n -> Bytes s n
MkBytes (n -> Bytes s n)
-> ParsecT Void Text Identity n -> Parsec Void Text (Bytes s n)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> (ParsecT Void Text Identity n
forall n. Read n => Parsec Void Text n
Parser.parseDigits ParsecT Void Text Identity n
-> ParsecT Void Text Identity () -> ParsecT Void Text Identity n
forall a b.
ParsecT Void Text Identity a
-> ParsecT Void Text Identity b -> ParsecT Void Text Identity a
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f a -> f b -> f a
<* (ParsecT Void Text Identity ()
forall e s (m :: * -> *).
(MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Char) =>
m ()
MPC.space ParsecT Void Text Identity ()
-> ParsecT Void Text Identity () -> ParsecT Void Text Identity ()
forall a b.
ParsecT Void Text Identity a
-> ParsecT Void Text Identity b -> ParsecT Void Text Identity b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f a -> f b -> f b
*> ParsecT Void Text Identity ()
forall e s (m :: * -> *). MonadParsec e s m => m ()
type SomeSize :: Type -> Type
data SomeSize (n :: Type) where
MkSomeSize :: SSize s -> Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
_MkSomeSize :: forall s n. (FromInteger n, MGroup n, SingI s) => Iso' (SomeSize n) (Bytes s n)
_MkSomeSize :: forall (s :: Size) n.
(FromInteger n, MGroup n, SingI s) =>
Iso' (SomeSize n) (Bytes s n)
_MkSomeSize = (SomeSize n -> Bytes s n)
-> (Bytes s n -> SomeSize n)
-> Iso (SomeSize n) (SomeSize n) (Bytes s n) (Bytes s n)
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (b -> t) -> Iso s t a b
iso SomeSize n -> Converted s (SomeSize n)
SomeSize n -> Bytes s n
forall a (t :: Size). (Conversion a, SingI t) => a -> Converted t a
forall (t :: Size).
SingI t =>
SomeSize n -> Converted t (SomeSize n)
convert_ Bytes s n -> HideSize (Bytes s n)
Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
forall a. Sized a => a -> HideSize a
{-# INLINE _MkSomeSize #-}
deriving stock instance (Show n) => Show (SomeSize n)
deriving stock instance Functor SomeSize
instance Foldable SomeSize where
foldr :: forall a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> SomeSize a -> b
foldr a -> b -> b
f b
e (MkSomeSize SSize s
_ (MkBytes a
x)) = a -> b -> b
f a
x b
{-# INLINE foldr #-}
instance Traversable SomeSize where
traverse :: forall (f :: * -> *) a b.
Applicative f =>
(a -> f b) -> SomeSize a -> f (SomeSize b)
traverse a -> f b
f (MkSomeSize SSize s
sz (MkBytes a
x)) = SSize s -> Bytes s b -> SomeSize b
forall (s :: Size) n. SSize s -> Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
MkSomeSize SSize s
sz (Bytes s b -> SomeSize b) -> (b -> Bytes s b) -> b -> SomeSize b
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. b -> Bytes s b
forall (s :: Size) n. n -> Bytes s n
MkBytes (b -> SomeSize b) -> f b -> f (SomeSize b)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> a -> f b
f a
{-# INLINE traverse #-}
sequenceA :: forall (f :: * -> *) a.
Applicative f =>
SomeSize (f a) -> f (SomeSize a)
sequenceA (MkSomeSize SSize s
sz (MkBytes f a
x)) = SSize s -> Bytes s a -> SomeSize a
forall (s :: Size) n. SSize s -> Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
MkSomeSize SSize s
sz (Bytes s a -> SomeSize a) -> (a -> Bytes s a) -> a -> SomeSize a
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. a -> Bytes s a
forall (s :: Size) n. n -> Bytes s n
MkBytes (a -> SomeSize a) -> f a -> f (SomeSize a)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> f a
{-# INLINE sequenceA #-}
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4, 16, 0)
instance HasField "unSomeSize" (SomeSize n) n where
getField :: SomeSize n -> n
getField (MkSomeSize SSize s
_ (MkBytes n
x)) = n
( k ~ A_Getter,
a ~ n,
b ~ n
) =>
LabelOptic "unSomeSize" k (SomeSize n) (SomeSize n) a b
labelOptic :: Optic k NoIx (SomeSize n) (SomeSize n) a b
labelOptic = (SomeSize n -> a) -> Getter (SomeSize n) a
forall s a. (s -> a) -> Getter s a
to (\(MkSomeSize SSize s
_ (MkBytes n
x)) -> a
{-# INLINE labelOptic #-}
instance (FromInteger n, Hashable n, MGroup n) => Hashable (SomeSize n) where
hashWithSalt :: Int -> SomeSize n -> Int
hashWithSalt Int
i (MkSomeSize SSize s
sz Bytes s n
x) =
i Int -> Demote Size -> Int
forall a. Hashable a => Int -> a -> Int
`hashWithSalt` Sing s -> Demote Size
forall k (a :: k). SingKind k => Sing a -> Demote k
forall (a :: Size). Sing a -> Demote Size
Sing.fromSing Sing s
SSize s
sz Int -> Bytes s n -> Int
forall a. Hashable a => Int -> a -> Int
`hashWithSalt` Bytes s n
instance (NFData n) => NFData (SomeSize n) where
rnf :: SomeSize n -> ()
rnf (MkSomeSize SSize s
sz Bytes s n
x) = SSize s
sz SSize s -> () -> ()
forall a b. NFData a => a -> b -> b
`deepseq` Bytes s n
x Bytes s n -> () -> ()
forall a b. NFData a => a -> b -> b
`deepseq` ()
instance (Eq n, FromInteger n, MGroup n) => Eq (SomeSize n) where
SomeSize n
x == :: SomeSize n -> SomeSize n -> Bool
== SomeSize n
y = forall a (t :: Size). (Conversion a, SingI t) => a -> Converted t a
convert_ @_ @B SomeSize n
x Bytes 'B n -> Bytes 'B n -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== SomeSize n -> Converted 'B (SomeSize n)
forall a (t :: Size). (Conversion a, SingI t) => a -> Converted t a
forall (t :: Size).
SingI t =>
SomeSize n -> Converted t (SomeSize n)
convert_ SomeSize n
{-# INLINE (==) #-}
instance (FromInteger n, MGroup n, Ord n) => Ord (SomeSize n) where
SomeSize n
x <= :: SomeSize n -> SomeSize n -> Bool
<= SomeSize n
y = forall a (t :: Size). (Conversion a, SingI t) => a -> Converted t a
convert_ @_ @B SomeSize n
x Bytes 'B n -> Bytes 'B n -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
<= SomeSize n -> Converted 'B (SomeSize n)
forall a (t :: Size). (Conversion a, SingI t) => a -> Converted t a
forall (t :: Size).
SingI t =>
SomeSize n -> Converted t (SomeSize n)
convert_ SomeSize n
{-# INLINE (<=) #-}
instance (FromInteger n) => FromInteger (SomeSize n) where
fromZ :: HasCallStack => Integer -> SomeSize n
fromZ = SSize 'B -> Bytes 'B n -> SomeSize n
forall (s :: Size) n. SSize s -> Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
MkSomeSize SSize 'B
SB (Bytes 'B n -> SomeSize n)
-> (Integer -> Bytes 'B n) -> Integer -> SomeSize n
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Integer -> Bytes 'B n
forall a. (FromInteger a, HasCallStack) => Integer -> a
{-# INLINE fromZ #-}
instance (FromInteger n, MGroup n, ToInteger n) => ToInteger (SomeSize n) where
toZ :: HasCallStack => SomeSize n -> Integer
toZ = Bytes 'B n -> Integer
forall a. (ToInteger a, HasCallStack) => a -> Integer
toZ (Bytes 'B n -> Integer)
-> (SomeSize n -> Bytes 'B n) -> SomeSize n -> Integer
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall a (t :: Size). (Conversion a, SingI t) => a -> Converted t a
convert_ @_ @B
{-# INLINE toZ #-}
instance (FromRational n) => FromRational (SomeSize n) where
fromQ :: HasCallStack => Rational -> SomeSize n
fromQ = SSize 'B -> Bytes 'B n -> SomeSize n
forall (s :: Size) n. SSize s -> Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
MkSomeSize SSize 'B
SB (Bytes 'B n -> SomeSize n)
-> (Rational -> Bytes 'B n) -> Rational -> SomeSize n
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Rational -> Bytes 'B n
forall a. (FromRational a, HasCallStack) => Rational -> a
{-# INLINE fromQ #-}
instance (FromInteger n, MGroup n, ToRational n) => ToRational (SomeSize n) where
toQ :: HasCallStack => SomeSize n -> Rational
toQ = Bytes 'B n -> Rational
forall a. (ToRational a, HasCallStack) => a -> Rational
toQ (Bytes 'B n -> Rational)
-> (SomeSize n -> Bytes 'B n) -> SomeSize n -> Rational
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall a (t :: Size). (Conversion a, SingI t) => a -> Converted t a
convert_ @_ @B
{-# INLINE toQ #-}
instance (FromReal n) => FromReal (SomeSize n) where
fromR :: HasCallStack => Double -> SomeSize n
fromR = SSize 'B -> Bytes 'B n -> SomeSize n
forall (s :: Size) n. SSize s -> Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
MkSomeSize SSize 'B
SB (Bytes 'B n -> SomeSize n)
-> (Double -> Bytes 'B n) -> Double -> SomeSize n
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Double -> Bytes 'B n
forall a. (FromReal a, HasCallStack) => Double -> a
{-# INLINE fromR #-}
instance (FromInteger n, MGroup n, ToReal n) => ToReal (SomeSize n) where
toR :: HasCallStack => SomeSize n -> Double
toR = Bytes 'B n -> Double
forall a. (ToReal a, HasCallStack) => a -> Double
toR (Bytes 'B n -> Double)
-> (SomeSize n -> Bytes 'B n) -> SomeSize n -> Double
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall a (t :: Size). (Conversion a, SingI t) => a -> Converted t a
convert_ @_ @B
{-# INLINE toR #-}
instance (ASemigroup n, FromInteger n, MGroup n) => ASemigroup (SomeSize n) where
SomeSize n
x .+. :: SomeSize n -> SomeSize n -> SomeSize n
.+. SomeSize n
y = SSize 'B -> Bytes 'B n -> SomeSize n
forall (s :: Size) n. SSize s -> Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
MkSomeSize SSize 'B
SB (Bytes 'B n -> SomeSize n) -> Bytes 'B n -> SomeSize n
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ SomeSize n -> Converted 'B (SomeSize n)
forall a (t :: Size). (Conversion a, SingI t) => a -> Converted t a
forall (t :: Size).
SingI t =>
SomeSize n -> Converted t (SomeSize n)
convert_ SomeSize n
x Bytes 'B n -> Bytes 'B n -> Bytes 'B n
forall s. ASemigroup s => s -> s -> s
.+. SomeSize n -> Converted 'B (SomeSize n)
forall a (t :: Size). (Conversion a, SingI t) => a -> Converted t a
forall (t :: Size).
SingI t =>
SomeSize n -> Converted t (SomeSize n)
convert_ SomeSize n
{-# INLINE (.+.) #-}
instance (FromInteger n, Semifield n) => AMonoid (SomeSize n) where
zero :: SomeSize n
zero = SSize 'B -> Bytes 'B n -> SomeSize n
forall (s :: Size) n. SSize s -> Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
MkSomeSize SSize 'B
SB Bytes 'B n
forall m. AMonoid m => m
{-# INLINE zero #-}
instance (Field n, FromInteger n) => AGroup (SomeSize n) where
SomeSize n
x .-. :: SomeSize n -> SomeSize n -> SomeSize n
.-. SomeSize n
y = SSize 'B -> Bytes 'B n -> SomeSize n
forall (s :: Size) n. SSize s -> Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
MkSomeSize SSize 'B
SB (Bytes 'B n -> SomeSize n) -> Bytes 'B n -> SomeSize n
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ SomeSize n -> Converted 'B (SomeSize n)
forall a (t :: Size). (Conversion a, SingI t) => a -> Converted t a
forall (t :: Size).
SingI t =>
SomeSize n -> Converted t (SomeSize n)
convert_ SomeSize n
x Bytes 'B n -> Bytes 'B n -> Bytes 'B n
forall g. AGroup g => g -> g -> g
.-. SomeSize n -> Converted 'B (SomeSize n)
forall a (t :: Size). (Conversion a, SingI t) => a -> Converted t a
forall (t :: Size).
SingI t =>
SomeSize n -> Converted t (SomeSize n)
convert_ SomeSize n
{-# INLINE (.-.) #-}
instance (MGroup n) => MSemiSpace (SomeSize n) n where
MkSomeSize SSize s
sz Bytes s n
x .* :: SomeSize n -> n -> SomeSize n
.* n
k = SSize s -> Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
forall (s :: Size) n. SSize s -> Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
MkSomeSize SSize s
sz (Bytes s n -> SomeSize n) -> Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Bytes s n
x Bytes s n -> n -> Bytes s n
forall m r. MSemiSpace m r => m -> r -> m
.* n
{-# INLINE (.*) #-}
instance (MGroup n) => MSpace (SomeSize n) n where
MkSomeSize SSize s
sz Bytes s n
x .% :: SomeSize n -> n -> SomeSize n
.% n
k = SSize s -> Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
forall (s :: Size) n. SSize s -> Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
MkSomeSize SSize s
sz (Bytes s n -> SomeSize n) -> Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Bytes s n
x Bytes s n -> n -> Bytes s n
forall v k. MSpace v k => v -> k -> v
.% n
{-# INLINEABLE (.%) #-}
instance (Normed n) => Normed (SomeSize n) where
norm :: SomeSize n -> SomeSize n
norm (MkSomeSize SSize s
sz Bytes s n
x) = SSize s -> Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
forall (s :: Size) n. SSize s -> Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
MkSomeSize SSize s
sz (Bytes s n -> Bytes s n
forall s. Normed s => s -> s
norm Bytes s n
{-# INLINE norm #-}
sgn :: SomeSize n -> SomeSize n
sgn (MkSomeSize SSize s
sz Bytes s n
x) = SSize s -> Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
forall (s :: Size) n. SSize s -> Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
MkSomeSize SSize s
sz (Bytes s n -> Bytes s n
forall s. Normed s => s -> s
sgn Bytes s n
{-# INLINE sgn #-}
instance (FromInteger n, Semifield n) => Semimodule (SomeSize n) n
instance (Field n, FromInteger n) => Module (SomeSize n) n
instance (FromInteger n, Semifield n) => SemivectorSpace (SomeSize n) n
instance (Field n, FromInteger n) => VectorSpace (SomeSize n) n
instance (FromInteger n, MetricSpace n, MGroup n) => MetricSpace (SomeSize n) where
diffR :: SomeSize n -> SomeSize n -> Double
diffR SomeSize n
x SomeSize n
y = forall a (t :: Size). (Conversion a, SingI t) => a -> Converted t a
convert_ @_ @B SomeSize n
x Bytes 'B n -> Bytes 'B n -> Double
forall s. MetricSpace s => s -> s -> Double
`diffR` forall a (t :: Size). (Conversion a, SingI t) => a -> Converted t a
convert_ @_ @B SomeSize n
instance (FromInteger n, MGroup n) => Conversion (SomeSize n) where
type Converted t (SomeSize n) = Bytes t n
convert_ :: forall t. (SingI t) => SomeSize n -> Bytes t n
convert_ :: forall (t :: Size). SingI t => SomeSize n -> Bytes t n
convert_ (MkSomeSize SSize s
sz Bytes s n
x) = Sing s -> (SingI s => Bytes t n) -> Bytes t n
forall {k} (n :: k) r. Sing n -> (SingI n => r) -> r
Sing.withSingI Sing s
SSize s
sz ((SingI s => Bytes t n) -> Bytes t n)
-> (SingI s => Bytes t n) -> Bytes t n
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Bytes s n -> Converted t (Bytes s n)
forall a (t :: Size). (Conversion a, SingI t) => a -> Converted t a
forall (t :: Size). SingI t => Bytes s n -> Converted t (Bytes s n)
convert_ Bytes s n
instance (FromInteger n, MGroup n, Normed n, Ord n) => Normalize (SomeSize n) where
type Norm (SomeSize n) = SomeSize n
normalize :: SomeSize n -> Norm (SomeSize n)
normalize (MkSomeSize SSize s
sz Bytes s n
x) = Sing s -> (SingI s => Norm (SomeSize n)) -> Norm (SomeSize n)
forall {k} (n :: k) r. Sing n -> (SingI n => r) -> r
Sing.withSingI Sing s
SSize s
sz ((SingI s => Norm (SomeSize n)) -> Norm (SomeSize n))
-> (SingI s => Norm (SomeSize n)) -> Norm (SomeSize n)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Bytes s n -> Norm (Bytes s n)
forall a. Normalize a => a -> Norm a
normalize Bytes s n
{-# INLINE normalize #-}
instance Sized (SomeSize n) where
type HideSize (SomeSize n) = SomeSize n
sizeOf :: SomeSize n -> Size
sizeOf (MkSomeSize SSize s
sz Bytes s n
_) = Sing s -> Demote Size
forall k (a :: k). SingKind k => Sing a -> Demote k
forall (a :: Size). Sing a -> Demote Size
Sing.fromSing Sing s
SSize s
{-# INLINE sizeOf #-}
hideSize :: SomeSize n -> HideSize (SomeSize n)
hideSize = SomeSize n -> HideSize (SomeSize n)
SomeSize n -> SomeSize n
forall a. a -> a
{-# INLINE hideSize #-}
instance RawNumeric (SomeSize n) where
type Raw (SomeSize n) = n
toRaw :: SomeSize n -> Raw (SomeSize n)
toRaw (MkSomeSize SSize s
_ Bytes s n
b) = Bytes s n -> Raw (Bytes s n)
forall a. RawNumeric a => a -> Raw a
toRaw Bytes s n
{-# INLINE toRaw #-}
instance (Read n) => Parser (SomeSize n) where
parser :: Parsec Void Text (SomeSize n)
parser = do
bytes <- Parsec Void Text n
forall n. Read n => Parsec Void Text n
ParsecT Void Text Identity ()
forall e s (m :: * -> *).
(MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Char) =>
m ()
sz <- Parsec Void Text Size
forall a. Parser a => Parsec Void Text a
ParsecT Void Text Identity ()
forall e s (m :: * -> *).
(MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Char) =>
m ()
ParsecT Void Text Identity ()
forall e s (m :: * -> *). MonadParsec e s m => m ()
pure $ case Size
sz of
B -> SSize 'B -> Bytes 'B n -> SomeSize n
forall (s :: Size) n. SSize s -> Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
MkSomeSize SSize 'B
SB (Bytes 'B n -> SomeSize n) -> Bytes 'B n -> SomeSize n
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ n -> Bytes 'B n
forall (s :: Size) n. n -> Bytes s n
MkBytes n
K -> SSize 'K -> Bytes 'K n -> SomeSize n
forall (s :: Size) n. SSize s -> Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
MkSomeSize SSize 'K
SK (Bytes 'K n -> SomeSize n) -> Bytes 'K n -> SomeSize n
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ n -> Bytes 'K n
forall (s :: Size) n. n -> Bytes s n
MkBytes n
M -> SSize 'M -> Bytes 'M n -> SomeSize n
forall (s :: Size) n. SSize s -> Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
MkSomeSize SSize 'M
SM (Bytes 'M n -> SomeSize n) -> Bytes 'M n -> SomeSize n
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ n -> Bytes 'M n
forall (s :: Size) n. n -> Bytes s n
MkBytes n
G -> SSize 'G -> Bytes 'G n -> SomeSize n
forall (s :: Size) n. SSize s -> Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
MkSomeSize SSize 'G
SG (Bytes 'G n -> SomeSize n) -> Bytes 'G n -> SomeSize n
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ n -> Bytes 'G n
forall (s :: Size) n. n -> Bytes s n
MkBytes n
T -> SSize 'T -> Bytes 'T n -> SomeSize n
forall (s :: Size) n. SSize s -> Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
MkSomeSize SSize 'T
ST (Bytes 'T n -> SomeSize n) -> Bytes 'T n -> SomeSize n
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ n -> Bytes 'T n
forall (s :: Size) n. n -> Bytes s n
MkBytes n
P -> SSize 'P -> Bytes 'P n -> SomeSize n
forall (s :: Size) n. SSize s -> Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
MkSomeSize SSize 'P
SP (Bytes 'P n -> SomeSize n) -> Bytes 'P n -> SomeSize n
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ n -> Bytes 'P n
forall (s :: Size) n. n -> Bytes s n
MkBytes n
E -> SSize 'E -> Bytes 'E n -> SomeSize n
forall (s :: Size) n. SSize s -> Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
MkSomeSize SSize 'E
SE (Bytes 'E n -> SomeSize n) -> Bytes 'E n -> SomeSize n
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ n -> Bytes 'E n
forall (s :: Size) n. n -> Bytes s n
MkBytes n
Z -> SSize 'Z -> Bytes 'Z n -> SomeSize n
forall (s :: Size) n. SSize s -> Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
MkSomeSize SSize 'Z
SZ (Bytes 'Z n -> SomeSize n) -> Bytes 'Z n -> SomeSize n
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ n -> Bytes 'Z n
forall (s :: Size) n. n -> Bytes s n
MkBytes n
Y -> SSize 'Y -> Bytes 'Y n -> SomeSize n
forall (s :: Size) n. SSize s -> Bytes s n -> SomeSize n
MkSomeSize SSize 'Y
SY (Bytes 'Y n -> SomeSize n) -> Bytes 'Y n -> SomeSize n
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ n -> Bytes 'Y n
forall (s :: Size) n. n -> Bytes s n
MkBytes n
{-# INLINEABLE parser #-}
incSize :: forall s n. (FromInteger n, MGroup n) => Bytes s n -> Bytes (NextSize s) n
incSize :: forall (s :: Size) n.
(FromInteger n, MGroup n) =>
Bytes s n -> Bytes (NextSize s) n
incSize = Bytes Any n -> Bytes (NextSize s) n
forall (s :: Size) n (t :: Size). Bytes s n -> Bytes t n
resizeBytes (Bytes Any n -> Bytes (NextSize s) n)
-> (Bytes s n -> Bytes Any n) -> Bytes s n -> Bytes (NextSize s) n
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. n -> Bytes Any n
forall (s :: Size) n. n -> Bytes s n
MkBytes (n -> Bytes Any n) -> (Bytes s n -> n) -> Bytes s n -> Bytes Any n
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (n -> n -> n
forall g. MGroup g => g -> g -> g
.%. n
nz1000) (n -> n) -> (Bytes s n -> n) -> Bytes s n -> n
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Bytes s n -> n
Bytes s n -> Raw (Bytes s n)
forall a. RawNumeric a => a -> Raw a
nz1000 :: n
nz1000 = Integer -> n
forall a. (FromInteger a, HasCallStack) => Integer -> a
fromZ Integer
{-# INLINE incSize #-}
decSize :: forall s n. (FromInteger n, MSemigroup n) => Bytes s n -> Bytes (PrevSize s) n
decSize :: forall (s :: Size) n.
(FromInteger n, MSemigroup n) =>
Bytes s n -> Bytes (PrevSize s) n
decSize = Bytes Any n -> Bytes (PrevSize s) n
forall (s :: Size) n (t :: Size). Bytes s n -> Bytes t n
resizeBytes (Bytes Any n -> Bytes (PrevSize s) n)
-> (Bytes s n -> Bytes Any n) -> Bytes s n -> Bytes (PrevSize s) n
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. n -> Bytes Any n
forall (s :: Size) n. n -> Bytes s n
MkBytes (n -> Bytes Any n) -> (Bytes s n -> n) -> Bytes s n -> Bytes Any n
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (n -> n -> n
forall s. MSemigroup s => s -> s -> s
.*. forall a. (FromInteger a, HasCallStack) => Integer -> a
fromZ @n Integer
1_000) (n -> n) -> (Bytes s n -> n) -> Bytes s n -> n
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Bytes s n -> n
Bytes s n -> Raw (Bytes s n)
forall a. RawNumeric a => a -> Raw a
{-# INLINE decSize #-}