-- | Higher-Kinded data with type families for "phased-data" approach.
module Shrun.Configuration.Data.ConfigPhase
  ( -- * Types
    ConfigPhase (..),

    -- * Type families

import Shrun.Configuration.Data.Truncation
  ( LineTruncation,
    TruncRegion (TruncLine),
import Shrun.Configuration.Data.WithDisabled (WithDisabled)
import Shrun.Prelude

-- | Data "phases" related to configuration.
data ConfigPhase
  = -- | Args phase.
  | -- | Toml phase.
  | -- | Merged args + toml phase.
  | -- | Env created from MergedConfig

-- | General type family representing:
-- - Args: Maybe w/ disable flag
-- - Toml: Maybe
-- - Merged: Definite
type ConfigPhaseF :: ConfigPhase -> Type -> Type
type family ConfigPhaseF p a where
  ConfigPhaseF ConfigPhaseArgs a = WithDisabled a
  ConfigPhaseF ConfigPhaseToml a = Maybe a
  ConfigPhaseF ConfigPhaseMerged a = a
  ConfigPhaseF ConfigPhaseEnv a = a

-- | General type family representing:
-- - Args: Maybe w/ disable flag
-- - Toml: Maybe
-- - Merged: Maybe
type ConfigPhaseMaybeF :: ConfigPhase -> Type -> Type
type family ConfigPhaseMaybeF p a where
  ConfigPhaseMaybeF ConfigPhaseArgs a = WithDisabled a
  ConfigPhaseMaybeF ConfigPhaseToml a = Maybe a
  ConfigPhaseMaybeF ConfigPhaseMerged a = Maybe a
  ConfigPhaseMaybeF ConfigPhaseEnv a = Maybe a

-- | General type family representing a boolean switch for a type @t@ that
-- is isomorphic to Bool:
-- - Args: WithDisabled () (isomorphic to Disabled | Bool)
-- - Toml: Maybe Bool
-- - Merged: t
-- - Env: t
type SwitchF :: ConfigPhase -> Type -> Type
type family SwitchF p t where
  SwitchF ConfigPhaseArgs _ = WithDisabled ()
  SwitchF ConfigPhaseToml _ = Maybe Bool
  SwitchF ConfigPhaseMerged t = t
  SwitchF ConfigPhaseEnv t = t

-- | Line truncation is truly optional, the default being none.
type LineTruncF :: ConfigPhase -> Type
type family LineTruncF p where
  LineTruncF ConfigPhaseArgs = WithDisabled LineTruncation
  LineTruncF ConfigPhaseToml = Maybe LineTruncation
  LineTruncF ConfigPhaseMerged = Maybe (Truncation TruncLine)
  LineTruncF ConfigPhaseEnv = Maybe (Truncation TruncLine)