{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

-- | Internal module for predicate polymorphism. These are all used to implement
-- the 'Refined.Polymorphism.Implies' type family in
-- "Refined.Extras.Polymorphism".
-- @since
module Refined.Extras.Polymorphism.Internal
  ( ImpliesCNF,

import Data.Kind (Type)
import Data.Type.Bool qualified as B
import Refined (And, Not, Or, Xor, type (&&), type (||))

-- $setup
-- >>> data A
-- >>> data B
-- >>> data C

-- | @ImpliesCNF q p@ determines if @q@ implies @p@, i.e., returns 'True'
-- iff whenever @q@ is true, then @p@ is also true. We assume @q@ and @p@
-- are in conjunctive normal form.
-- @since
type ImpliesCNF :: Type -> Type -> Bool
type family ImpliesCNF q p where
  ImpliesCNF q p = ImpliesCNFHelper (PropEquals q p) q p

-- | Helper for 'ImpliesCNF'.
-- Once again split the (equals) condition check from the recursive call
-- so that we do not do any extra work due to strictness.
-- @since
type ImpliesCNFHelper :: Bool -> Type -> Type -> Bool
type family ImpliesCNFHelper propEq q p where
  ImpliesCNFHelper 'True _ _ = 'True
  ImpliesCNFHelper _ p p = 'True
  ImpliesCNFHelper _ (q && r) p = ImpliesCNF q p B.|| ImpliesCNF r p
  ImpliesCNFHelper _ (q || r) p = ImpliesCNF q p B.&& ImpliesCNF r p
  ImpliesCNFHelper _ _ _ = 'False

-- | Transforms a predicate expression into conjunctive normal form.
-- This /should/ be total for propositions (obviously other 'Type's will
-- get "stuck"), but a proof of termination would be nice.
-- @since
type ToCNF :: Type -> Type
type family ToCNF p where
  ToCNF p = ToCNFHelper (IsCNF p) p

-- | Helper for 'ToCNF'. We split up the condition check and reduction step
-- because type families are not guaranteed to be evaluated lazily.
-- In particular, the obvious implementation:
-- @
-- B.If (IsCNF p) p (ToCNF (Reduce p))
-- @
-- creates an infinite loop.
-- See: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/issues/18965
-- @since
type ToCNFHelper :: Bool -> Type -> Type
type family ToCNFHelper cond p where
  ToCNFHelper 'True p = p
  ToCNFHelper 'False p = ToCNF (Reduce p)

-- | Returns true if the formula is in conjunctive normal form.
-- See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conjunctive_normal_form.
-- @since
type IsCNF :: Type -> Bool
type family IsCNF p where
  -- Not p is CNF if p is an atom
  IsCNF (Not (And _ _)) = 'False
  IsCNF (Not (Or _ _)) = 'False
  IsCNF (Not (Xor _ _)) = 'False
  IsCNF (Not (Not _)) = 'False
  IsCNF (Not _) = 'True
  -- Or p q is CNF as long as there are no nested Ands and p and q are CNF
  IsCNF (Or (And _ _) _) = 'False
  IsCNF (Or _ (And _ _)) = 'False
  IsCNF (Or p q) = IsCNF p B.&& IsCNF q
  -- We want Xor completely eliminated
  IsCNF (Xor _ _) = 'False
  -- And p q is CNF if both p and q are CNF
  IsCNF (And p q) = IsCNF p B.&& IsCNF q
  IsCNF _ = 'True

-- | Reduces towards conjunctive normal form. The result is not guaranteed to
-- be in CNF, i.e., 'Reduce' may need to be applied repeatedly.
-- @since
type Reduce :: Type -> Type
type family Reduce p where
  -- Eliminate Xor
  Reduce (Xor p q) = (p || q) && (Not p || Not q)
  -- Double negation
  Reduce (Not (Not p)) = p
  -- De Morgan's laws
  Reduce (Not (p || q)) = Not p && Not q
  Reduce (Not (p && q)) = Not p || Not q
  -- Remaining Not (i.e. Xor)
  Reduce (Not p) = Not (Reduce p)
  -- Distributive laws
  Reduce (Or (p && q) r) = (p || r) && (q || r)
  Reduce (Or r (p && q)) = (r || p) && (r || q)
  -- Remaining Or, And
  Reduce (p || q) = Reduce p || Reduce q
  Reduce (p && q) = Reduce p && Reduce q
  -- Base case, nothing to reduce
  Reduce p = p

-- | Equals that ignores order (e.g. (A && B) == (B && A)). Equality is
-- /syntactic/, not semantic. For instance,
-- @
-- (A && B) && C /= A && (B && C).
-- @
-- ==== __Examples__
-- >>> :kind! PropEquals (A && (B && C)) ((A && B) && C)
-- PropEquals (A && (B && C)) ((A && B) && C) :: Bool
-- = False
-- >>> :kind! PropEquals (And (A || B) (Not B)) (And (A || B) (Not B))
-- PropEquals (And (A || B) (Not B)) (And (A || B) (Not B)) :: Bool
-- = True
-- >>> :kind! PropEquals (And A B) (And B B)
-- PropEquals (And A B) (And B B) :: Bool
-- = False
-- >>> :kind! PropEquals (Not (And A B)) (Not (And B A))
-- PropEquals (Not (And A B)) (Not (And B A)) :: Bool
-- = True
-- @since
type PropEquals :: Type -> Type -> Bool
type family PropEquals p q where
  PropEquals p p = 'True
  -- need this in case we have nested And,Or,Xor.
  PropEquals (Not p) (Not q) = PropEquals p q
  -- check reverse order for these 3
  PropEquals (And p q) (And r s) =
    (PropEquals p r B.&& PropEquals q s)
      B.|| (PropEquals p s B.&& PropEquals q r)
  PropEquals (Or p q) (Or r s) =
    (PropEquals p r B.&& PropEquals q s)
      B.|| (PropEquals p s B.&& PropEquals q r)
  PropEquals (Xor p q) (Xor r s) =
    (PropEquals p r B.&& PropEquals q s)
      B.|| (PropEquals p s B.&& PropEquals q r)
  PropEquals _ _ = 'False