-- | This module provides the 'ServiceType' type.
module Navi.Services.Types
  ( ServiceType (..),

import Navi.Prelude
import Pythia.Data.Command (Command)
import Pythia.Services.Battery (Battery, BatteryApp, BatteryStatus)
import Pythia.Services.NetInterface (Device, NetInterface, NetInterfaceApp)

-- | 'ServiceType' describes all implemented services.
-- It provides several built-in services for querying and parsing
-- system information (from the @pythia@ package), and then
-- 'Single' and 'Multiple' for custom services. It is a GADT so
-- we can link each service with its result type.
type ServiceType :: Type -> Type
data ServiceType result where
  BatteryPercentage :: !BatteryApp -> ServiceType Battery
  BatteryStatus :: !BatteryApp -> ServiceType BatteryStatus
  NetworkInterface :: !Device -> !NetInterfaceApp -> ServiceType NetInterface
  Single :: !Command -> ServiceType Text
  Multiple :: !Command -> ServiceType Text

deriving stock instance Show (ServiceType result)

deriving stock instance Eq (ServiceType result)