charon-0.1: Template
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Trash paths

getTrashPathDir :: PathI TrashHome -> PathI TrashDirFiles Source #

Retrieves the trash path dir.

getTrashInfoDir :: PathI TrashHome -> PathI TrashDirInfo Source #

Retrieves the trash info dir.



getPathInfo :: (HasCallStack, MonadCatch m, MonadLoggerNS m, MonadPathReader m) => PathI TrashHome -> PathI TrashEntryOriginalPath -> m (PathI TrashEntryFileName, PathI TrashEntryOriginalPath, PathTypeW) Source #

For a given path, retrieves its unique trash entry file name, original path, and type.

NOTE: This function is almost backend agnostic. AFAICT the only part that uses internal knowledge is the call to getTrashPath. If we ever write a non-default backend then we should extract that logic to a function and move this fn to Utils, as the rest of the logic is something we will want to use everywhere (e.g. throwIfIllegal).

parseTrashInfoMap Source #


:: HashSet ByteString

Expected keys

-> ByteString


-> Either String (HashMap ByteString ByteString) 

Parses a ByteString like:

[Trash Info]

into a map of { ki => vi }.

Verifies that the parameter key set is exactly the key set in the map.

pathDataToType :: (Is k A_Getter, LabelOptic' "fileName" k a (PathI TrashEntryFileName), HasCallStack, MonadCatch m, MonadPathReader m) => PathI TrashHome -> a -> m PathTypeW Source #

Derives the PathType from the PathData.

IMPORTANT: This function is only guaranteed to work if the PathData corresponds to an extant trash entry. In particular, if the PathData has not been created yet, this can fail.