{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-missing-import-lists #-}

-- | This module reexports algebraic typeclasses.
-- @since 0.1
module Numeric.Algebra
  ( -- * Motivation
    -- $motivation

    -- * Solution
    -- $solution

    -- ** Algebraic Typeclasses
    module Numeric.Algebra.Additive,
    module Numeric.Algebra.Multiplicative,
    module Numeric.Algebra.Normed,
    module Numeric.Algebra.Semiring,
    module Numeric.Algebra.Ring,
    module Numeric.Algebra.Semifield,
    module Numeric.Algebra.Field,
    module Numeric.Algebra.Space,

import Numeric.Algebra.Additive
import Numeric.Algebra.Field
import Numeric.Algebra.Multiplicative
import Numeric.Algebra.Normed
import Numeric.Algebra.Ring
import Numeric.Algebra.Semifield
import Numeric.Algebra.Semiring
import Numeric.Algebra.Space

-- $motivation
-- The primary interface to numerical operations in Haskell is 'Num'.
-- Unfortunately, 'Num' has a key limitation: it is "too large". For example,
-- if we want to opt-in to addition, we must also opt-in to subtraction,
-- multiplication, and integer literal conversions. These may not make sense
-- for the type at hand (e.g. naturals), so we are stuck either providing an
-- invariant-breaking dangerous implementation (e.g. defining subtraction for
-- arbitrary naturals) or throwing runtime errors.

-- $solution
-- @algebra-simple@'s approach is to split this functionality into multiple
-- typeclasses, so types can opt-in to exactly as much functionality as they
-- want. The typeclasses are inspired by abstract algebra. The algebraic
-- hierarchy can be found in the following diagram. An arrow @A -> B@ should
-- be read as "@B@ is an @A@". For example, a 'Module' is both a 'Semimodule'
-- and an 'AGroup'.
-- ![Algebraic hierarchy](./diagrams/hierarchy.png)
-- A longer description can be found in the table below, along with the 'Num'
-- functionality they are intended to replace:
-- +------------------------+-------------------------+----------+--------+
-- | Typeclass              | Description             | New      | 'Num'  |
-- +========================+=========================+==========+========+
-- | 'ASemigroup'           | Addition.               | '(.+.)'  | '(+)'  |
-- |                        |                         |          |        |
-- +------------------------+-------------------------+----------+--------+
-- | 'AMonoid'              | 'ASemigroup' with       | 'zero'   |        |
-- |                        | identity.               |          |        |
-- +------------------------+-------------------------+----------+--------+
-- | 'AGroup'               | Subtraction .           | '(.-.)'  | '(-)'  |
-- |                        |                         |          |        |
-- |                        |                         |          |        |
-- +------------------------+-------------------------+----------+--------+
-- | 'MSemigroup'           | Multiplication.         | '(.*.)'  | '(*)'  |
-- |                        |                         |          |        |
-- +------------------------+-------------------------+----------+--------+
-- | 'MMonoid'              | 'MSemigroup' with       | 'one'    |        |
-- |                        | identity.               |          |        |
-- +------------------------+-------------------------+----------+--------+
-- | 'MGroup'               | Division.               | '(.%.)'  | 'div', |
-- |                        |                         |          | '(/)'  |
-- +------------------------+-------------------------+----------+--------+
-- | 'MEuclidean'           | Euclidean division.     | 'mmod'   | 'mod'  |
-- |                        |                         |          |        |
-- +------------------------+-------------------------+----------+--------+
-- | 'Normed'               | Types that support a    | 'norm'   | 'abs'  |
-- |                        | "norm".                 |          |        |
-- +------------------------+-------------------------+----------+--------+
-- | 'Semiring'             | 'AMonoid' and           |          |        |
-- |                        | 'MMonoid'.              |          |        |
-- +------------------------+-------------------------+----------+--------+
-- | 'Ring'                 | 'AGroup' and            |          |        |
-- |                        | 'MMonoid'.              |          |        |
-- +------------------------+-------------------------+----------+--------+
-- | 'Semifield'            | 'AMonoid' and           |          |        |
-- |                        | 'MGroup'.               |          |        |
-- +------------------------+-------------------------+----------+--------+
-- | 'Field'                | 'Ring' and              |          |        |
-- |                        | 'Semifield'.            |          |        |
-- +------------------------+-------------------------+----------+--------+
-- | 'MSemiSpace'           | Scalar multiplication.  | '(.*)',  |        |
-- |                        |                         | '(*.)'   |        |
-- |                        |                         |          |        |
-- +------------------------+-------------------------+----------+--------+
-- | 'MSpace'               | Scalar division.        | '(.%)'   |        |
-- |                        |                         | '(%.)'   |        |
-- |                        |                         |          |        |
-- +------------------------+-------------------------+----------+--------+
-- | 'Semimodule'           | 'AMonoid' and           |          |        |
-- |                        | 'MSemiSpace'.           |          |        |
-- +------------------------+-------------------------+----------+--------+
-- | 'Module'               | 'Semimodule's and       |          |        |
-- |                        | 'AGroup' .              |          |        |
-- +------------------------+-------------------------+----------+--------+
-- | 'SemivectorSpace'      | 'Semimodule' and        |          |        |
-- |                        | 'MSpace'.               |          |        |
-- +------------------------+-------------------------+----------+--------+
-- | 'VectorSpace'          | 'Module' and            |          |        |
-- |                        | 'SemivectorSpace'.      |          |        |
-- +------------------------+-------------------------+----------+--------+
-- We have the following guiding principles:
-- 1. Simplicity
--     This is not a comprehensive implementation of abstract algebra, merely
--     the classes needed to replace the usual 'Num'-like functionality. For
--     the former, see [algebra](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/algebra).
-- 2. Practicality
--     When there is tension between practicality and theoretical "purity", we
--     favor the former. To wit:
--     * We provide two semigroup\/monoid\/group hierarchies:
--        'ASemigroup'\/'AMonoid'\/'AGroup' and
--        'MSemigroup'\/'MMonoid'\/'MGroup'. Formally this is clunky,
--        but it allows us to:
--         * Reuse the same operator for ring multiplication and types that
--           have sensible multiplication but cannot be rings (e.g. naturals).
--         * Provide both addition and multiplication without an explosion of
--           newtype wrappers.
--     * Leniency vis-à-vis algebraic laws
--         For instance, integers cannot satisfy the field laws, and floats do
--         not satisfy anything, as their equality is nonsense. Nevertheless,
--         we provide instances for them. Working with technically unlawful
--         numerical instances is extremely common, so we take the stance that
--         it is better to provide such instances (albeit with known
--         limitations) than to forgo them completely (read: integer division
--         is useful). The only instances we disallow are those likely to
--         cause runtime errors (e.g. natural subtraction) or break expected
--         invariants.
--     * Division classes (i.e. 'MGroup', 'VectorSpace') have their own division
--       function that must be implemented. Theoretically this is unnecessary,
--       as we need only a function @inv :: a -> a@ and we
--       can then define division as @x .%. d = d .*. inv d@. But this will
--       not work for many types (e.g. integers), so we force users to define a
--       (presumably sensible) '(.%.)', so there is no chance of accidentally
--       using a nonsensical @inv@.
-- 3. Safety
--     Instances that break the type's invariants
--     (@instance 'Ring' 'GHC.Natural'@), are banned. Furthermore, instances
--     that are /highly/ likely to go wrong
--     (e.g. 'Rational' with bounded integral types) are also forbidden.
-- 4. Ergonomics
--      We choose new operators that do not clash with prelude.
-- We provide instances for built-in numeric types where it makes sense.